
Diskussion om ordet DRAW
- 2009-08-04
- 2008-10-31
Shichu - 2010-04-19
- 2011-07-31

Möjliga synonymer till draw


Hur används ordet draw
- "He made his draw to win the game"
- "Everytime you take a draw of a cigarette you are inhaling a cocktail of poisons"
- "The Irish lottery draw takes place tonight with a Jackpot of 100 million Euro"
- "The lottery tickets were put into a container for the draw"
- "But make a draw from a position of strength, not fear"
- "he was the biggest drawing card they had"
- "They needed a singer who was a popular draw in the show"
- "Results Of The National Draw 2004"
- "The total number of draws on the coupon this week was five"
- "He offered a draw to his opponent in a show of true sportsmanship"
- "the game ended in a draw"
- "the luck of the draw" or "they drew lots for it"
- "he got a pair of kings in the draw"
- "he played only draw and stud"
Ordet draw har 10 betydelser
- Inom fiske
- Inom generell
- Inom anatomi
- Inom spel
- Inom schack
- Inom geologi
- Inom sport
- Inom spel
- Inom sport
- Inom spel

Vad betyder draw inom fiske ?

Ordet draw inom generell
vid tippning
anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random
Översättningar (inom generell)

(inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till draw (inom generell)

Ordet draw inom anatomi
Översättningar (inom anatomi)

Möjliga synonymer till draw (inom anatomi)
- eyeball [ collegial ]
- drawing card
- attraction

Ordet draw inom spel
Översättningar (inom spel)
Möjliga synonymer till draw (inom spel)
- game of chance [ game ]
- lottery
- sweepstake
- tombola

Ordet draw inom schack
Synonymer till draw (inom schack)
- tie [ sport ]
Möjliga synonymer till draw (inom schack)

Ordet draw inom geologi
Översättningar (inom geologi)

Ordet draw inom sport
Översättningar (inom sport)

Synonymer till draw (inom sport)

Ordet draw inom spel
Översättningar (inom spel)

Ordet draw inom sport
Översättningar (inom sport)

Synonymer till draw (inom sport)

Ordet draw inom spel
Översättningar (inom spel)

Synonymer till draw (inom spel)
- draw poker [ spel ]

Synonymer till draw (inom spel)
Översättningar (inom spel)
Hur används ordet draw
- "draw a chicken"
- "draw a deep breath"
- "draw a wagon"
- "The archers were drawing their bows"
- "draw a line"
- "draw the outlines of a figure in the sand"
- "I draw a line here"
- "draw a conclusion"
- "draw parallels"
- "draw a weapon"
- "She drew an elephant"
- "She drew water from the barrel"
- "The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population"
- "The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans"
- "The comedian drew a lot of laughter"
- "The crowd is drawing nearer to the square"
- "draw a card"
- "He drew a base on balls"
- "She was drawn to despair"
- "The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum"
- "The will was drawn when he was 89 years old"
- "He spent the day drawing in the garden"
- "draw the shades"
- "draw the curtains"
- "This chimney draws very well"
- "This boat draws 70 inches"
- "Her skin drew in the cold air"
- "draw wire"
- "draw steel"
Ordet draw har 10 betydelser
- Inom konst
- Inom militärväsen
- Inom ekonomi
- Inom sex
- Inom generell
- Inom allmänt
- Inom sjöfart
- Inom barn
- Inom sömnad
- Inom kläder

Ordet draw inom konst

Ordet draw inom militärväsen
Översättningar (inom militärväsen)
Möjliga synonymer till draw (inom militärväsen)
- display
- elevate
- engine
- engineer
- generate
- hale
- heave
- heft
- hump
- kite
- lift
- loft
- pike [ slang ]
- pull
- receipt
- snake
- stift
- tap
- tirr
- tole
- tug
- bundle away
- bundle out
- butt out
- make out
- push off
- take up with
- absquatulate
- acknowledge
- bench
- build
- bundle off
- cash
- construct [ mathematics ]
- crane
- design
- draw back
- exhibit
- jack up
- lay down
- lever
- march
- mosey
- move [ game ]
- piss off
- pitchfork
- pull at
- pull away
- raffle
- raise
- reverse [ law ]
- show
- skedaddle
- subtract
- take [ linguistics ]
- unsheathe
- wind
- structure
- bail [ collegial ]

Ordet draw inom ekonomi
Översättningar (inom ekonomi)

Ordet draw inom generell
make, formulate, or derive in the mind
bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
make a drawing of; represent by drawing, with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface
take liquid out of a container or well
select or take in from a given group or region
draw responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.
move or go steadily or gradually
choose at random
in baseball: earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher
bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition
cause to flow: "draw blood"
write a legal document or paper
engage in drawing
move or pull so as to cover or uncover something
allow a draft
require a specified depth for floating
reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die
steep in or as if in the manner of tea
flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching
cause blood, pus, or other bodily fluids to localize at one point
Uttryck till draw (inom generell)
draw är del av (inom generell)
draw har del (inom generell)
draw förutsätter (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till draw (inom generell)

Ordet draw inom barn
Möjliga synonymer till draw (inom barn)

Synonymer till Draw (inom kläder)
- DRW [ förkortning, data ]
Vad betyder Draw inom data ?