
Synonymer till candid
Hur används ordet candid
- "I gave them my candid opinion"
- "his candid eyes"
- "a candid photograph"
- "a candid interview"
- "I have never lacked candid critics in my own ranks -Clement Atlee"
Vad betyder candid inom sport ?
openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness informal or natural; especially caught off guard or unprepared starkly realistic
Möjliga synonymer till candid
- broad-spoken
- downright
- even-handed
- genuine
- hearty
- neutral
- objective
- open-hearted
- sincere
- single-hearted
- straight
- unbiased
- unbiassed
- undesigning
- undissembled
- undistinctive
- upfront
- disinterested
- dispassionate
- evenhanded
- heart-whole
- heartfelt
- honest
- impartial
- indifferent
- nonpartisan
- open-minded
- straightforward
- unfeigned
- unprejudiced
- upstanding
- as straight as a die
- unjaundiced