
Hur används ordet look
- "När vi träffar honom har han en ny look."
- "Korrekt, fint presenterad och har en härlig look, säger domare Glenn Sjöbom."
- "Återigen – ” look who´s talking ” Europas storbanker har de senaste åren hamnat i den ena skandalen efter den andra."
- "Hans största inspirationskälla är David Bowie och just nu arbetar Johan mycket med 90- tals look."
- "The emails all look as if they came from PostNord or Telia."
- "In the past few years, anonymous hackers have sent millions of fake emails that look like they come from reputable companies."
- "Can we look and see if we can see him?"
- "But thanks to a unique data leak, SVT can today reveal the innermost secrets of the network that has been attacking Sweden with fake mails designed to look like they come from telecom giant Telia and the national postal service PostNord."
- "And we began to look for people that could reveal to us his finances, his company s finances and his associates."
- "I efterhand har jag förstått att den sista låten de spelade var ” Don ’ t look back in anger ”, säger hon till"